Event | PhD/rMA Borrel
Event | PhD/rMA Summer Borrel
Date: 27 September 2024
Time: 17.00 – 19.00
Location: Leiden, Stadscafé Van der Werff (Steenstraat 2, 2312 BW Leiden)
RSVP: here
The NICA PhDxrMA invites you to the first NICA Borrel of the year! The event will take place on 27 September from 17.00 to 19.00 at Stadscafé Van der Werff.
During the borrel, you have the opportunity to get to know your fellow PhD candidates and rMA students, affiliated with NICA. Share your thoughts and concerns with the members of the council, and take the opportunity to share your research ideas with like-minded researchers!
The event is open to all PhD candidates and rMA students affiliated with NICA. We are looking forward to seeing you there! The first round of drinks is kindly sponsored by NICA.
Please register here so we know how many people to expect.