Announcement | Survey NICA-membership
Dear (aspiring) NICA-member,
We are currently updating our membership directory, in part with the aim of making it more GDPR (AVG) proof. After this general update, we will also launch a public NICA membership directory on our website (with opt-out possibilities of course!). For GDPR/AVG reasons we kindly ask every (aspiring) member to fill out the form below a.s.a.p., so as to: 1) actively confirm your NICA membership, and 2) indicate whether or not you would be included in the online membership database.
In this membership directory, you can have your research profile included amongst that of your fellow NICA-members. The aim of the online membership directory is to enable NICA-members to find each other, and especially to find fellow researchers working on similar (research-)interests, to network and to get in touch. We hope the initiative will help to promote and cultivate our research community and network beyond the boundaries of local universities.
Please note that:
- We ask everyone to fill out the form, also if you are not interested in being included in the membership directory, so that we receive active confirmation of your continued willingness to remain a NICA-member.
- ResMA and PhD students can be a member of only one national research school (formal enrolment runs through your local graduate school).
- Staff members can affiliate to more than one research school.
- When transitioning from one career-phase to another (e.g. from ResMA to PhD-student, or from PhD-student to staff-member), please re-affirm your membership.
- You may choose to opt-out of being included in our online membership directory at any time by sending a message to the NICA office at